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Stakeholder Update – 2024 RCMS Activities – 03/03/2025

Here you will find a summation of all our RCMS related activities from 2024:

  • Our Goal Zero Standard was achieved! Zero injuries, zero fines, zero compliance actions, and zero insurance claims.
  • Bianca Hall was nominated as the WTS RCMS Employee of the Year for 2024!
    • Honorable nominees included: Angie Wiler, Nate Dean, Sara Calvin, James Lotterer, Melissa Hilliard, Tom Stanczyk, Dave Raby, Kiki Schwartz, Lisa Schley, and Andy Decker!
  • Verrico & Associates conducted our RCMS Internal Audit, which is a review of our RCMS documentation and implementation, along with various interviews with WTS personnel. Their auditor noted the following strengths:
    • “RCMS implementation with strong RCMS leadership and engagement in all functional areas which provide valued management systems to operate effectively and reduce risks to the business.”
    • “Technology tools and RCMS integration with documentation for EHSS training, CARs, supplier qualification, and profile development, for example, are robust and well integrated.”
  • Midland Engineering completed our RCMS Surveillance Audit.
    • Auditor complemented our system strengths, saying:
    • “[WTS] internal audit practices are very robust. WTS does Option 1 auditing with annual surveillance audits, does third party annual internal audits, and a variety of compliance audits.” He complemented our use of Carrier 411, which is used to evaluate our carrier’s analytics. The auditor did find one minor non-conformance, which has since been corrected.
  • WTS Objectives are a tool we employ which empowers our continual improvement efforts. We ask for suggestions annually, but Objectives aren’t limited to a set time frame or start time! Overall, they’re designed to give structure to our pollution prevention commitments, our “Goal Zero” commitment, address EHSSCQ aspects, technological options, and even address financial/business and operational updates. Our Objective program continues to shape the way WTS grows as a company.
  • We had 38 CARs created in 2024! In 2023 there were 55 and in 2022 there were 40. In both 2023 and 2022, CARs were created to monitor the progress of feedback from our Client Satisfaction Surveys. In 2024, we only created 2 CARs from survey feedback. This shows a nice, consistent rate of reporting!
  • We added over 33 new suppliers to our Approved Supplier Network, Our current list of approved suppliers sits at around 500.