Please note that on January 12, 2002 and effective that date, USEPA announced the new maximum monetary civil penalties for violations in its chemical, air, water, and of particular interest to WTS and our stakeholders, hazardous waste (RCRA) programs. Here’s a link to the notification as it appears in 40CFR:
Note that maximum civil penalty in the RCRA program is now $81,540 per day, per violation. While penalties levied in that amount may be unlikely, this still serves as a reminder that it always pays to be in compliance. Our goal at WTS is for all of our activities performed in conjunction with our stakeholders to always be beyond compliant as evidenced by our Goal Zero: Zero Fines, Zero Penalties, Zero Compliance Actions, Zero Insurance Claims and Zero Safety Incidents.
Be sure to contact your WTS Representative if you have any questions on this matter.